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Monday, May 28, 2012

This Lady Is Scary, Not The Radiation

She has no sense scale, let alone health physics.  Her name is Christina Consolo.  If you don't have time to listen to the video (below the fold), here is a sampling of her "work"

 Just because we can detect Fukushima fallout doesn't mean it is at particularly hazardous levels.  She claims she has sources within the U.S. that the nation is so contaminated that the country has to be decontaminated!!!!  HA!!  Well, why aren't we all suffering from the Alaskan Airline uniform problems?  HA!  Then she attributes basically every irregularity in nature with fallout.  

I think the icing on the (fruit)cake is when she says that folks in the northern hemisphere will have to remain indoors for several months if the spent fuel in #4's pool catches fire.   Of course, it won't.

No wait, that's not the icing.  It's when she claims she got a rash, and her daughter suffered a burn from radiation levels ten times over background!!!  But if you do go out in the rain, take a shower and use baking soda!!  I do hope she is actually doing that, that's hilarious.  Because baking soda "neutralizes" radiation.

And what is with some of the video photos?  What do they have to do with Fukushima?  It's a fact-free free-for-all with these folks.

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