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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Would Disprove Evolution Or LNT?

As in evolutionary biology.  Biologist Jerry Coyne has a write-up regarding evolutionary biology.

What about LNT?  Like Jerry, I'll post my own thoughts:

1.  That ionizing radiation doesn't ionize atoms or molecules.

2.  That the ionization never results in physical changes to DNA and other cellular components.

3. That cells can repair these physical changes with 100% fidelity.

4.  That cancer is not caused by underlying cellular damage.

5.  That there is as yet some physical phenomenon, not currently known, which informs us that we've been wrong.  I'm talking something on the scale of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which wasn't a part of anyone's thinking for thousands of years.

None of the above is too likely....

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